174 they have several Ladies in their company and are from Ill I think. The most of the day we have been traveling through thick woods. We camped about unclear distance traveled today 22 miles.
Sunday Sept. 9th Pleasant. We find everything safe This morning, as our mules havenot had anything to eat since Yesterday noon. " and but very little then," we packed and left camp at Sunrise, before we had our breakfast, and before the other companies started. We are obliged to have unclear before we found grass for our animals, and over one of the worst roads that was ever known. here we are to camp like? tomorrows. we have poor feed for our animals thinking might nor fare any better should we go further our camp is in what is called Frear Valley, a small valley, surrounded by mountains cover with woods, here we saw some of the Lynn Co. have one or two in their company from Lowell, that were acquain with some of my friends there distance traveled today 12 miles only. far enough however before beakfast over such a country.