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Tuesday Sept 24 1861 It is a lonely day. I have been much engaged setting closets to rights and house cleaning. Mr Badger's cold is no better he can scarce talk but he has gone to the Office. At 4 o'clock the children went down town to get some worsted? I feel very lonely without my Sisters. Mrs H Whitney Harlin and mifs Shoofinbeng called to see. Wednesday Sept 25 1861. This is a beautiful day - the weather now is perfect. We are all well this morning. Mr Badgers cold a little better. he went to his Fathers house last night this is Belle's

birthday she was born at nine o'clock. I wrote a letter to day to Virginia - will try and make childrens blue Plaid silks to day - Eva wrote to Aunt Belle - Mifs Tucker & a friend called to get me to take part in Tableaus? given for the benefit of the Orphans of the killed soldiers - I think I will not take part. Mr Badger gone to the Adams house to see Capt Ingersoll.

Thursday Sept 26. 1861

Another lovely day - this day is set apart as a day of Thanksgiving & Prayer the churches will be opened for worship - we all attend the Unitarian Church - heard a glorious Union discourse Capt Ingersoll called to see us at 4 Oclock we all went to Father Badgers to dinner came home at nine - had all the children with me - I wrote a letter to Siss to day - Union force getting very strong in Kentucky - Confederate Army at Elisabethtown thirty miles from Louisville Gen Anderson well entrenched at Marlrough? Hill.

Friday Sept 27 1861. This is a dark looking morning - we rode late this is the day I promised to go to Mr. Harrisons Club and also to Miss Tuckers meeting at Bryan Hall - to assist in Tableau's. I went down town and arranged about the childrens Turbans - their new gray cloth cloaks trimmed with Plaid velvet came home last night - at 8 Oclick I and Mr. Badger went to Col. Adrian's?? to arrange for Calico Ball. instead of Tableau's it was decided that was best - there were many people there Mr Badger and I are of the Committee - we returned home at 11. O'clock -

Saturday Sept 28 1861.