copied by ENE? 11/27/1966
Longwood Drive 5,1856? Dear Cynthia We received father's letter with Robert's, copied by someone. That's a very sensible letter especially the part relating to his sister Cynthia. I shall read all the notices of new publications with much interest, for the next six months, expecting to find in some of them a warm and earnest unclear on the "First literary work of the gifted Miss Everett &? her brother" I suppose, that is I hope we may be favored with a copy in advance or at an early date — let's see. what's the name of this all-important unclear book, a felicitous title is you of course know a great recommendation and very essential. Well you will take care of all that, so I had better not be anxious about it I suppose — By? the way to change the subject — what has ever become of the select school in Remsen?? and have you got &? sister Anna and why don't