Constantine yt hee sawe a sunne rise out of ye wist } constantine begotten St Anthony yt Moyles came into the holyest places, kicked at him and overthrew the holyest places. } Pt confusio: of monstrous doctrine Ensued. 1.1
The Father of Mauritius at his begettinge, that a vine wth ripe clusters of grapes sprunge out of his chamber. } his sonne was Emper of Constantinople
Conon that hee companyed wth his dead mother and theron shee revived } restored his contry Messema to liberty
Nocostratus that he sawe a lyons whelpe couched under his bed where hee lay } A great vanquisher in ye Olympiades
Duke Bernard that out of his Cabben there wente into the churche beares Boares harts hares } Beares and board his parents valiant as armed wth teeth Harts hee and his brother only he addes hares, theyr children of no vertue cowardes
Rollo that beinge taken wth a leprosy hee washed in a moste cheere fountayne at the foote of a high mountayne was clensed, and climed up to ye top } A christian captive expounded the leprosy false worship the fountayne ye font ye clyminge great prfermente.
Pope Calistus mother that a younge man of divine magesty layed the moone in her lapp. } The daye followinge elected.
Digginge out the eyes -- death to go slowely -- a calamitous journey to runne -- good fortune to eate lettice -- death To eate eggs -- troubled to purge the feete -- resolvinge of cares To have the: broode -- trouble To have the: cutt of -- take no iourney Overflowinge or runninge of water -- an enemy purginge of ye body or handes -- solution of cares