[column 1] 3 barly graynes an Inche 12 Inches a foote 3 feete a yarde 5 yardes ½ a perche 40 perches and 4 in breadthe an aker.
An English peny to weigh 32 graynes of wheate 20 d an ounce 12 ounces a lib. 8 lib a gallon of wine. 8 gallons of wine a a London by wch is the 8th part of a quarter
A loade of lead 30 formells, a formell 5 stone except 2 lib a stone 12 lb, 7lb in weight 25[lb] A weight of wooll tallow and cheese 14 stone a weight of wooll a sacke 12 sack a last. a last of Herringe 10000 to ye 1000 10 hunthred. ye 100 sixskore. A last of leather 20 diker a a Dicker 10 skinnes. 100 of wax suger peper synamo: nutmeggs and allom 12 stone ½ every stone 8 lb the 100/108 lb lb of spice per confections in weight 20 lb all other thinges 25 lb. lib of Electuaryes and confecrions 12 oz the oz 12d. 100 of Linnen 120 100 of Iron 5 skore. dozen of Iron 6 peeces 100 hard fish 8 skore A sack of woll 26 stones a stone 14 lb A binne od skinnes 33 [column 2] The Jews began theyr measures by the quantety of hennes eggs. Arias Montanus. Number of 7. Groto f.21.
Passus spatiu: inter extensas manus quod et longitudo humani corporis Constant 4 cubitis cubitus ab articulo medii brachii ad mediu: digitum Sesquipaedalis constatex g palmis udem et ulna.
Amphora Romana ___ Pedes Rom pes Romanus continet palmas 4 digitos 16 uncias 12 Amphora caput urnas vel tres modios sine 6 tarios
Coclus stater Argenteus Idem
150 portugal reyes } one Carolus quilden } one 4 rialls } one
A french crorone is 60 Turkish Maidinhi a daler or ryall of 8 is worthe 45 maidini.
Ethiopia pepper Timbuto cockles Azanuglia } porcellette China } porcellette Congo Lumache Belgian salte.