the Mexican authorities and to work in common accord in such matters, and in the conclusion of his letter requests the Officer of the U.S. Army to whom it is addressed to abstain from repeating any incursions into the Mexican Territory, “until permission has been granted by the Government of the Nation (Mexico) through the proper channels, to which they are inclined.”I notice that General Augur in his reply, dated the 11th, of August, Expresses his readiness to cooperate with the Mexican General in”restoring peace and quietness to our common frontier “ and in conclusion “proposes to meet the Mexican General at any point of the frontier that “you/he/may designate, to concoct measures to secure the object desired. It is assumed that the accomplished person Officer in Command of the Department of Texas, comtemplates, in any arrangement that may be made with the Mexican General, only to agree upon concert as to the movement of their respective military forces within the limit of their respective countries and that, should any reference be made to permission to be granted to the military forces of either country to cross the Boundary in pursuit of thieves or marauders, it will, as suggested by the Mexican General, be left for the “proper channels “for adjustment of Diplomatic or International questions which arise between Nations in time of peace.