moral nature so that having sinned once being a sinner a person will continue to sin untill there is a radical change in his soul. Instead therefore of believing that every one receives his punishment as he goes along. Il take the Bible at its word when it says the wages of sin are death. Instead of bearing this penalty ourselves Christ has borne it for us. He was a sinless being and must therefore have been happy. What does he mean when he says "My soul is exceeding sorrowful he evidently bore our sins. He had none of his own. Mat.. 20.28 gave himself as ransom for many." unclear from [Rev purchase a money ? to redeem a captive. ? too are hollow in the place of many. What else can be made of the expression a propitiation for our sins. if our sins had not offended God & Christ was a sacrifice to atone for them, What significantly is a sacrifice if not to atone for sin. And yet Heb 9.26 he offers himself as a sac.. Gal..3.13 We do not find any where that Christ lived for us that his life did any good. More than to teach us but how often does the Bible say he died for us. This it SEEms to ME was the object Christ in coming into the world to redeem us to satisfy the claims of Justice so that God could constantly pardon the sinner. Rom..9.26 Call it superstitious, harsh, or even cruel if the Bible teaches it I must believe. I would like to consider the subjectcrossed out - whether the ??is one whether there is evidence in the Bible that the future state is one if rewards & punishments or one like the present of reformation and repentance. But I have not room, What I have said in this letter has not been very methodical. Since I have written it somewhat in haste & without much forethought. To impose such a letter on your time & attention without previous assurance that such would be acceptable to you, would in my opinion , be a piece of effrontary. As it is please to accept it from a friend, that hesitates not to give his reasons for any opinion he holds, & who hopes to have a similar expression of your own views. Your sincere friend, Edward P. Belen ?