Heliodorus [not] [diarow] his booke Mon[t]ayn 346.
Plutarch and Seneca [to] fol. 358 Cicero [fbd.]
[L]eno, hand open, apparenced half [ghutt] and finders bowed [congrnt], f[ingers?] closed, comp[symbol]hensw Left hand clo[fmgr] thr[illegible] first moxe straightly. Science Mongay[nr?] 444.
At L[rege?] university were 8 somers of [duirnfe?] kings at on timr. De [?rbibus] 67.
Ser grok fir academy commared to a bad orat. fol 21.
[second column] Academie Italiche
Roma ortolani Srena Intronah Firenze pellegrini pa[ui?]a affidati Vicenza olimpici Casale illushah padoua Eleuati [V?]inegia Eterei Ferrara Fulareti Mantona m[?]aghiti A[uersa?] addorm[rntaly?] Delacrusca.
Maysters Ana[k?]agoras to Archelaus Archelaus Socrates Socrat. Plato Plato Aristotle Aristot. Alescaude[k?]
picture of science Groto [orahin?], fol 148. [Legick?] ibid [symbol] 149.