Historical Errors [?] ?,?, Science?, C. Historys are of Nature
Roman Writers of other Histories
Polidosus Britannia [of Britain] Siluius Bohemia [?] Pa. Emillius Gallia [Gaul - French] Guieccardine Belgia [of Belgium] Pa. Curtuis Alexandri [of Alexander, so Greek] Salustrius Numidiae [nomad?] Tacitus Germaia [Germania - German] Saxo Grauius mistakmy [?] Ich. magnus fol640 [this work is folio 640?]
For the division and method of historys Eipsii Eptae. 62. [for how to write a history, review this reference]
No writer of history that lived in the time of Augustus is still alive.
Touching historiographers see Remerus Reneccius [a speaker] ? of a History Murehis [a culture?] in Tachihi 371.
Classes of Greeks with Latts History O-crans fds 38~.