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Solomon's bond.

I conjure you N., by Y. V. and Y. and by the name Jaya, and in the name of Ya, which Adam named and he knew the omnipotence of God. I adjure thee in the name in the name of Ya, and in the name of Ya, which Abel named, and his sacrifice was accepted by God; and by the name El, which Enoch named and and he received from God the oil of mercy; and by the name Jah which Enoch named and he walked with God; and by the name Duaphemion which Moses named and he struck the land of Egypt with every plague by divine order. And by the name Agia which Aaron named and he was worthy of being called the high priest of the Lord; and by the name Joth(?) which Moses named, and he was worthy to hear the voice of God speaking in the flame; by the name Hagios, which Moses named and he celebrated Passover; by the name Jehovah, by which Moses and the people of God crossed the Red Sea; by the name Jaffa by which Joshua make the sun go back 15 degrees; by the name Agios which Samson named and conquered the Philistines; by the name O Theos by which the walls of Jericho fell. I adjure you, N., and by the virtue of Pantheon through which David conquered Goliath; by the name Pantocrator by which David conquered the lion and bear; by the name YHVH, by which all the sacrifices of the law were accomplished; and by the name Agamon, through which Elijah was taken up in (a chariot of fire)