Mrs J.W. Harvey came to Kenilworth and took lunch.
Wednesday, January 23, 1901
Today has been warm, snow all melted. King Albert Edward the seventh, is now really King, and his beautiful wife Queen.
We are all well today, Mrs Cowles got up and dressed but in an hour had to go back to bed. We were surprised at lunch by my daughter, Mrs J.W. Harvey coming to lunch. She lives in Chicago at 60th Street, she looks well, but she and Mr Harvey both have had bad colds. She is going to Lake Forest to see Catie Lunt from Colorado then to Evanston, then home. At five o'clock, Dr Snyder from Chicago came and vaccinated all of us, Mr and Mrs Shreve Badger, Mr and Mrs A.C. Badger, Edwin and Shreve, Mrs Relauden?, Mrs Cowles, and the coloured man Allen, it was quite a sight to see us all at the same time with bare arms. Baby Shreve was a soldier, and did not cry or make any fuss about his arm it took and for several weeks he had a very sore arm, about like a poison it was so deep and purple. All our arms took, mine broke out in a big spot lower down