Hartwick APril 29 1809 Sis it now being one oclock at night and my tower being out at our Sawmill and Mr Gar?? is agoing to leave us in the morning i have got my pen to write you a few short?? few lines as I hear of your good health wishing you Prosperity i have no means to write you but my situation suits me much better then it windson and should be very happy to see you at our hous i find this country to be much better for mecanicks then Connecticut grain comes low wheat 100 cents per Bush Corn 50 cents unclear plenty as you wrote to me concrning that oney i wish you to send it to my Fathers he has frepuent opportunitys to send it to me as i have a payment to make it would oblige me you very much I Remain your Friend and Broother Herz Hayden To Wm Brown