11 upright in the hole, on the golden rod, he whirled swiftly round, till the golden rod caught fire in the socket. The wood used for sacrifice was black hack + sycamore. This wood, however, must be free from worms and rot. Beside preaching and offering sac= rifice, the priests in this early age of the the world also foretold future events + warned the people of the consequences of disobedience. superscript a The world became full of people who were very wicked. They disregarded all good instruction, and would not listen to any thing good that was said to them. superscript b When people increased and became very wicked, Ye, ho, waah previous three words underlined sent a messen= ger [angel] to a certain man, directing him to go to a large town and warn the people to turn from their sins, or he would bring a flood of water and destroy them all. The man obeyed but his warning had no effect. The messenger was sent again with the same message; but again the warning was unavailing. So also the third time. The messenger was then sent to direct the man to build a house that would float on