Praecipuarum aliquot Angliae Civitatum Latitudo Londinium 51---35 Doroberma 50---0 Cambridge 52----16 Colchester 51---45 Berruck 50----0 Darby 52 ----55 York 54---30 Dublyn 53---11 Chester 53---51 Chichester 51-----0 Ile Garnsey 49---40 Ile of Wright 50---29 Harford 52---20 Harwich 52----0 Ipswich 52---22 Milford Saroen[?] 50---51 Newcastle 55---20 Northampton 52---50 Plimouth 50 - 51 Shrewsbury 55---55 Wakefield 53---45 Virginia 36---0 Oxon 57---50 Plemouth 50---50 Canterbury 51---6 Calis 51---44 Bristow 51---40 Exceter 52---0 Eboracu[m] [arrow above u] Scotiae 57---0 Edenburg 54---13 Brachpale (cursive arrow) point in Wales 53 - 0 Jarsey 40---20 Ile of Man 54----51 Hartlepool 55---21 Hull 53-91 Lim 52---48 Leicester 53---35 Lincoln 53---0 Norwich 52---25 Rie 51---1 Southamton 51---1 Ripon 55---20 Tribacco 10-47