Kyla D. Wall. kylawall95@gmail.com Latin Translation July 4th 2017
Salomonis Vinculum
Coniuro te . N. p[er] Y. V . et Y. et per ^[symbol to add word in between when missed in phrase] nomen Jaya [written up] in nomine Ya [corrected over Jaya], quod Adam nominavit et agnovit Dei omnipotentia.
(acknowledge the feminine almighty power.)
Adiuro te in nomine I summon you in the name of
in nomine ya, et in nomine ya in the name of ya and in the name of ya
quod Abel nominavit et sacrificium eius erat accepit a Deo; who Abel called and his sacrifice was accepted by God
et p[er] nomen El and by the name of El
quod Enoch nominavit et obtinuit a Deo oleum misericordiae; who Enoch called and received the oil of mercy by God
et p[er] nomen Jah and by the name of Jah
quod Enoch nominavit et cum Deo ambulavit; who Enoch called and walked with God
et p[er] nomen Duaphemion and by the name of Duaphemion
quod Moses nominavit et p[er]cussit terra[m] Egipti cum omni plaga praecepti divini, who Moses called and cursed the land of Egypt with all plagues known to the Divine
et p[er] nomen Agla and by the name of Agla
quod Aaron nominavit, et meruit [sumus?] Sacerdos D[omi]ni vocari; who Aaron called and earned to call the priests of the Lords
et p[er] nomen Joth and by the name of Joth
quod Moses nominavit, et meruit audire vocem Dei in flam[m]a loquentis; who Moses called and earned to hear the voice of God in the flames of conversation
p[er] nomen Hagios by the name of Hagios
quod Moses nominavit, et Pascham celebravit who Moses called and celebrated Passover
p[er] nomen jehovah
by the name of jehovah
p[er] quod Moses transivit et populus Dei p[er] mare rubrum; by whom Moses and God's nation walked across the Red Sea
p[er] nomen Jaffa by the name of Jaffa
p[er] quod retrogradi Josuah fballbag ecit Solem 15. gradies; by whom Joshua ....
p[er] nomen Agios by the name of Agios
quod Samson nominavit et vicit Philisteos; who Samson called and defeated the Philistines
p[er] O Theos by O Theos
p[er] quod muri Jerico ceciderunt. by whom the walls of Jerico fell
Adiuro te N., I summon you N.
et p[er] virtutem Pantheon and by the force Pantheon
p[er] quod David vicit Gulias by whom David defeated Gulias
p[er] nomen Pantocrator by the name of Pantocrator
p[er] quod vicit David leonem et ursum; by whom David defeated the lion and the bear
p[er] nomen [Hebrew letters:] IHVH, by the name of [Hebrew letters:] IHVH,
p[er] quod omnia Eegis sacrificia complebantur by whom the Eegis completed all sacrifices
et p[er] nomen Agamon and by the name of Agamon
p[er] quod Heliah raptus est in by whom Heliah
curru igneo