affliction whatsoever, but may befall a good man, now to bee represented by Satan as atormen= ter of bevilified or Possessed Persons, is a sore affliction [crossed out line] this then may happen to a good man]. To bee tormented by Satan is a sore afliction yet nothing but what befell Job and a Daughter of Abram whom we read of ^in the Gospel. To be represented by Satan as tormenting others is an Affliction Like the the former. The Lord may bring such Extraordinary Temptations on his own Children to afflict and Humble them for some sins they have bin guilty of before him. A most wick= ed person in _St. Ives_ got a knife and went w^th it to a ministers house, designing to stab him but was disapointed. Afterward ^her coscience being awakened, [lined crossed out] the Divel appears to this person in the shape of that minister with a Knife in his hand Exhorting to Self murder. was not here a punishment suitable to the Sin which that person had been guilty of? Perhaps some of those whom Satan represents as Committing witchcrafts have been tampering with some foolish and wicked sorceries thô not to that degree which is Criminal and Capitall by the Laws of God and man. for this Satan may be permitted to to Scourge them. or it may be they have misrepresented and abused others for which cause the Holy God may Justify give Sa= tan Leave falsly to represent them. Have wee not known some that have bitterly conjured