May Tues 31st 165"
Cool & pleasant wind rather? high finaly we have reached the long wished?? for Prairie creek a clear & beautiful stream gracious what a good thing water is camped in a good place feel? good - took a bath - Dis - 16 -
Wed June 1st 185
Followed the Prairie?? creek several miles crossed over to wood river went hunting found an eagles next this country has been a great buffalo range on account of the buffalo chips found prickly pear a species of the cactus today?? camped on wood unclear 20
Thurs 2d 197"
Crossed the river run off the bridge broke an ex in the operation unloded?? chains into the wheel got some timber & made a new one passed through unclear a likely looking place for a year old?? Camped on the banks of Plath saw 30 or 40 buffalo we are oposite?? Ft Kearny?? or a mile above Dis 12 miles