scape. Yea many superstitious and magicall Experiments have been used to try witches by: Of this sort is the sceatching the witch; the _ [Soothing?] the urine of the bewitched person, or making a Witch [cake?] of that [crossed out - that] urine. [crossed out - illegible] [line scratched out - illegible] [line scratched out - illegible] and that of stick = ing [?] [scratched out - illegible] [illegible] under the seat of the Suspected [crossed out] party, yea and
[scratched out] a putting their hands with scalding water to see if it will not hurt them
partial line: ... ____ these things partial line: ..._____ against it. Ss! Gf has been rejected long agoe by Christian Nations as a thing Superstitious & Diabolical. In Italy & in Spain it is wholly Dissuto (u) & m ye Low Country of them France where ye Judges are men of Learning. In some parts of Germany, old Paganish Customs are observed more then m(ost?) other Countries, Nemerthelosso (?), all ye (f) Academies throughout Germ(a?) ny have dissapproved of this way of Purgation. ??. The Devill is _____. All superstition is for him. And where (scratched out) seaket things or Latent Crimes are discovered by Super- stitious practices, some Compact & Common is with ye Devill is ye cause of it, as Austin (c) hath truly Intimated. For if a witch cannot be drowned; this must proceed ???. Some Natural Cause, w ch it doth not; for it is against Nature for humane.