MORROW, [left margin] Decbr. 3. 1874. Major Morrow, 9" Cavalry, Fort Sill, I. T. Major,
The General Commanding directs that with the eighty picked men and horses of the 9" Cavy., which you were directed to select, and with seven Indian Scouts, under Lieut. Smith, 9"Cavy., you proceed to-morrow to Lieut. Col Buell's Supply Camp on North Fort of Red River, where you will obtain the necessary transportation and supplies, except forage which goes with you from this post, for a twenty day's scout from that point. The General desires you to scout up Red River, looking for Indians on either side to vicinity of Mulberry Creek, then to cross over to Pease River, up it to near where MacKenzie's trail crosses it, thence, if there be no further prospect of finding Indians to proceed to Fort Concho with your Command, reporting your arrival immediately to Department Headquarters. Should you meantime succeed in finding Indians, you are to pursue them vigorously in whatever direction they may lead, and as long as the condition of command may permit. Should the pursuit take you toward Fort Sill, or any other military post, you will go their for further supplies and then go with your Command to Fort Concho. To find Indians to punish them, is the object of your Scout and it is not doubted, you will make every effort to accomplish this object - going to Concho is dependent upon not finding Indians in the country designated for your operations. On your arrival at Fort Concho, you will send your teams and your Indian Scouts to Fort Griffin. Very respectfully, Major, Your obdt. servant (Sgd) G. B. Russell Aide-de-Camp