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I am, very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd) C. C. Augur
2130.D.T.'72. Brigadier General
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 717. GRIERSON, [left margin] July 16. 1872. Colonel B. H. Grierson, Commanding District of Indian Territory Fort Gibson, I. T. Colonel:
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th. inst., and in reply thereto, the Commanding General instructs me to say, that he is not aware of any correspondence of the nature and character, referred to in your letter. So far as he knows, but one private letter has been received by any of his Staff from Officers at Fort Sill, although it is quite probable, many others may have been received without his knowledge, and it is not his habit or intention to inquire into the private correspondence of his Officers. I am Sir, very respectfully Your obdt. servant
2134.D.T.'72. (Sgd) J. A. Augur
Actg. Asst. Adjutant General