39 [stamp] 629. HEYL, E. M. [ in left margin] Captain E. M. Heyl, 4th Cavalry, through Commanding Officer Fort Concho, Texas.
Your letter of the 26th inst., in regard to transportation, has been received, and the Commanding General directs me, to inform you that the four wagons, which left this city for McKavett, are ordered to report to you. Also that wagons with water-barrels will be sent for the use of your command and party. Upon the arrival of Mr. Muehlenberg, in charge of the surveying party at Fort Concho, you will start out - when you arrive at the Staked Plains, you will use your own judgment, after full consultation with Mr. Muehlenberg, whether it will be advisable to take the Cavalry across or to take it around, to meet the party on the other side. The Commanding General can give you no further instructions, except that you must use your best judgment and do whatever will be for the best interests of all concerned, animals as well as men. As to the number of Rations to be taken, you will regulate it, according to the number of the party take, and if at any time they should give out, make some arrangements, to send in to Fort Stockton or Concho for fresh supplies, whichever is most convenient. You are expected to assist the