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Playes and games ./ Games at Cardes [p?]er Rabelais libr[crossed out: i] i.ch.22. Romanes would make a pau[?]ise like the roofe of a house upon which 2 armed men did runne up and downe and incoun= ter. [?].f.169 Comedus sermocinatur Tragadus vociferatur funerepus periclitatur praestigiator furatur Histrio gesticulatur. Blinde men coursinge a hog bremensis 128. The mexicans play with a cudgell like a paste rouler wth theyr feete tossinge the same high and lowe in the ayre as a ball .Cortez.f.178. In prometheus Academy at Athens is an alter from wch they runne wth burninge lampes into the citty the quenched torche giues place to [his?] successor, the farthest carier hath the price .pausanias .26. The Thracians hange a rope from a beame wth a riuinge knot therin vnder it lyes a rounde stone ox wth a sworde in his hande puts his necke in the rope standinge on the stone, if hee can cut the rope so hee escapes else hee hanges ./

Cardes. [?] Sex Regina [crossed out: duo?] garrulus octo decem. novem Set the cardes in this sorte, and beinge once cut, [seeinge?] on yu may dell all the reste as they com.

Antient games