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The first case considered, whether Satan may not possibly appear in the shape of an innocent and pious, as well as of a nocent and wicked person, to afflict such as suffer by Diabolical molestations. The Affirmative proved by six arguments. Arg 1. From [crossed out word] Several Scriptures. p.1. to 11. Arg.2. Because it is possible for the devill in the shape of an inocent-person to do other mischiefs. proved by many instances. p.11 to 15. Arg.3. Because if Satan may not Represent an inocent person as afflicting others, it must be Either because hee wants will, or Power to do thus, or because the holy God will never Permit him to do it . None of wch may be affirmed. p.15. to 22. Arg.4. It is certayn both from Scripture [2 crossed out words] History that magicians by their inchantments, & hellishe conjurations, may cause a false Representation of persons & things. p. 22 to 26. Arg.5. From the concurring judgement of many [learned?] [&?] judicious men. p.26 to 29. Arg 6.6 [or?] owne experience has confirmed ye truth of what wee affirm. 29.

The [friend?] [case?] which and [biz?]. If one bewitched is struck down at ye Looke or call of the ey of another, & after yt recovered again by a touch from ye same person, whether this is not an infallible proof that ye party suspected, & complained of is in league with the Devill! Ans. This may be ground of suspicion & examination, but not of conviction. p. 30.

The Judgement of [illegible] Barnard [underlined] & Doctor [Coffa? underlined] produced. p. 31, 32. Several things offered against the infallible, Gility of this proof. 1 - It is possible & probable yf ye Persons in [Question?] may be [observed?] like Lying Arin G. V. 33, 3[number scratched out] 2. Falling down [with?] ye calf of ye ey proceede not from a natural but an Arbitrary cause .p. 35. 3. That of the bewitched persons being recovered with a Touch is [various?] & fallible .p.36, 37.