that there is not the slightest chance of its being recalled.
It is hoped this will be sufficient to induce a general acquiescence, and that nothing more than a mere show of force will, in any case be necessary. If, however, unfortunately they will not listen and quietly retire, and it becomes necessary to use force, you are Expected to do so, and in such a way as will effectually show, there is not hope but in compliance. At the same time, you will be careful to impress upon all engaged in this duty, that no unnecessary violence is to be exercised toward these people, nor are they to be subjected to any extractions, or losses, nor made to undergo any hardships, not inseperable, from a thorough Execution of the order. It is barely possible, there may be attempts to organize a resistance. You should take measures to have yourself promptly informed of every effort of this kind, and in every case, your force in hand should be sufficient to render any resistance hopeless. The Commanding General relies upon your judgement and discretion in the Execution of the duties, here confided to you, and anticipates a thorough execution of the President's Order and in a manner satisfactory to all concerned. Please acknowledge receipt hereof, and keep these Headquarters constantly informed of everything, that transpires in connection with your progress in this matter. Very respectfully 1 Enclosure Your obdt. servant
1020.D.T.'72. (sgd) Colon Augur
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 264. Hd. Qrs. Dept of Texas,
San Antonio, Tex., march 29, 1872.
GRIERSON Colonel B. H. Grierson, 10" Cavy. Commanding Fort Sill, I. T. Colonel,