for a horse, a beast, or a Man that hath ben striken in the eye.
[St]amp ground Ivie, white Coperas with [..]e hony, strayn the juice thorough a [fi]ne linen cloth and kepe it close in som little Glass or pot: and with a [?]ather anoint the eye every day: saith [th]e farrier of Belton.
for burning with Gunpowder or salding [?]ayne som new made horsedung and with a feather wash and bath it with the juice
To stanch bloud [???] the Moss of a florishing Appletree [??] your hand to make it sift lay it to [??]id you shall see a good effect Also yarrow stamped and applied to [??] very good the bleeding.
A sea horse tooth is of the same effect [??] Unicorns horn being excelent for the hartsick [??] in that spit bloud or have any vaine broken [or] that piss bloud, or any beast. It hath holpen [??]vers when they have ben extreme sick. [??]le it with a file and give it with drink [as] much as the waight of a french Crown.
To know whether a dog be mad that hath bit one. [??]t kernel of a walnut pild layd 2 hours to the [??]e that is biten and given to a hen or chick well die presently yf the dog were mad with the poyson of walthem (?). Michael Carpenter