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But here I find my self discouting upon matters that does not concern me and may prove [?] to you whilst you are scaning these pages But I will desist further comment, assuring you that, I do not apply any of my remarks, to dear Nellie Excuse any thing offensive that I may have written. for I have not time now to mad at over. The wedding was that of my Brother, a young man just 21, and looks exceedingly boyish- but he conceived a passion for a blooming Virgin of just 18, & being [unclear] they have assumed the responsibilities of a life parters hip and taken the vows, of [unclear] affections and affiliation, and have started out on the broad ocean of life, to wind their way down the stream (I suppose in a bark tree canoe) of human existence I am very much pleased with his selection, and if external appearance are worth any thing, she will make him an affectionate wife, at least. My Dear Nellie it makes me sad, to write or think on this subject, for it appears to me that every one can have a wife but poor [unclear] me "Tho [frogs?] have