[April 25] Tyler Gove died Nancy (Sloan) Plum died - sent letter to Gibson & Juius - Jacob Tapping Died in Peoria 29th Mr. Crosby & son John(?) Deare(?) etc. visited here. Let Lull have $25.00 Dug Sweet Potatoes 30th rain storm - Sale at Coldwell 1st Oct. Lull's Thrashing to day 2nd First killing frost 5th very heavy thunder & rain [April 26] bad for the fair at Peoria 6th rain all night - with thunder etc. still raining - sent letter to Sycamore - bad weather for the Fair 9th gathered in winter apples 10th rainy day 11th 4º below freezing 12th - 6º below freezing. Began gathering cider apples 13th cousins from Sycamore came here 14th finished gathering apples - rainy - cold 21st warm 72º beautiful weather killed a hog - Harriet went home. George Spurick(?) died. Also Charles P. Tagart Died. in Cal. 22nd 76º hot took cousins to Groveland 25th took Cousins to Washington