5 clocks 25.00 210.00 mown(?) orchard(?) 210.00 cash 90.00 all other property 250.00
____________ 575.00 615.00 _____________ 1190.00 3582.00 _____________ 4772.00
22nd finished hauling off corn Father had Dr. Harris to day 24th went to Peoria - rained all the afternoon of course got wet 26th Frost this morning cold and wet for several weeks past - corn rotted in the ground - finished planing corn 29th took potatoes and oats to Peoria prices oats 25 c potatoes .40 corn .30 wheat .85 - engaged a prairie plow for 15.00 - 30th rainy 31st May - got my lumber measured out - paid $18.19 June 5 hauling lumber for my Barn - cold N.E. wind -poor prospects for corn - people still planting and re-planting what winter killed throughout the western states - wheat 1.00 corn .30 oats .25 potatoes .40 12th drawing shingle timber - heavy hail storm caught out in it - hail stones as large round as hen's eggs - $2000 damage in Peoria 19th Began snowing blue grass corn very late 15th Uncle Wilson Phelps around here on a visit from N.Y. state near Rochester Paid for the Citizen to No. 50 Volume 6 22nd hot weather Walter started up to Alvord yesterday - last night a frightful thunder storm from the N.E. the hail and wind done much damage up towards Washington 4th July sacrament administered - had Ellen Maria christened 11th first cucumber 12th began harvesting fall wheat - hot and dry - 94 degrees and no wind at all 17th showers around