There is considerable militancy in the rank and file of the National Maritime Union_some of it of the best. But I notice a move on foot to curb that militaney or neutralize its beneficial effect upon the organization. In a recent issue of their publication the "National office must again remind you that the program of efficiency and economy is not being carried out." It seems the membership in some parts held special meeting recommending that Dispatchers be placed on payroll, Janitors pay be raised and stenographers be hired. All these are a necessary part of a militant union that wants to grow and retain its self respect and the respect of the thousands still unorganized. There is no excuse profits especially in view of the fact the membership was using its own money and finally, membership knows best being directly in contact with any condition that may obtain in the several ports. I see further "the National Council at its last meeting passed a resolution that the National Maritime Union, as such, would not tolerate any longer any members carrying books of dual and hostile unions. This was later ratified in the several ports by the membership then being present.