the Mexican captive? captain? down to see me one afternoon all on horseback. The girl was so grown? and improved that she could not have been recognized as the little ? ? I had first seen on the Arkansas. + The evening? before I left for the States the Clerk of the Company with his glee club serenaded me with some excellent songs one of which was original and dedicated to me as a farewell. The contrasted conditions of my finding and leaving this man at Fort Craig is one of my little consolations. The sergeant asked permission for the men to come across the parade ground to see me off and the touch? of their earnest eyes as they said good bye remains on my memory. They are all gone where good soldiers finally go. The 1st Sergeant Hugh McQuade fell mortally wounded at the first battle of Bull Run as a captain in the 38th New York manuscript damaged the 2d Sergt became a 1st Lieut and adjutant of manuscript damaged Mexican Regiment, the 3d Sergt a Lieut manuscript damaged Confederate Service and the 4th Sergt a manuscript damaged Union Cavalry Regt. The Company C manuscript damaged of volunteers. * symbol My journey up the river damaged manuscript was without noteworth incident