land purchases must and would be valid. -- Observe that for your share of the two islands you must, on the first of May next, have here at my disposal 850 Dols. wch is half of purchase money. -- If you think that of late I have as usual, (according to you), been talking, and talking of doing this, that & tother, and after all let every thing slip thru my fingers, let me know. -- I am damnably in want of money, and think I can get 10,000 Ps? for 1/4 in Ship island. -- What do you think of this? -- Would if be proper or not to dispose of 1/4, and run no risks? -- The following is a copy of the original grant. "Dr. Bernardo "Galvez &c. Vistas las antecedentes diligencias practicadas por Dr. Francisco Caminada, ? ? ? "el derecho que tiene sobre la posesion de las dor Islas "de Venador y de Navios, situadas funte las costa de "Biloxey, y reconociendo estar regladas al ordende "Agrimensura ? ?. Usando de las facultas que "El Rey nos tiene conferida, Ortorgamos in su real nombre al Real Dr. Frco. Caminada la posesion de las "citadas dor Islas de Venador y de Navios; para ? como propias diponga de islas, y las usufrute ? "Damos la presente, firmada de Neustro puno "sellada con el sello de Nuestras armas y refundada "del infrascripto secretario ? Su Magestad, de este