1874 July 7-8-9-10 Picked Cherries to can and dry they are very ripe and nice at this time July 11th Ada and I went to Chicago bought bedstead myself table spoon and knives and forks for Ada had dinner at Mrs Edwards, called at Mr Hickok July 16 Picked currants for jelly Margaret came here " 20 Picked the last of our cherries " 18 Martha and I went to Chicago, she bought a lounger and I bought extension table - Susan Willey came July 19th Walter Kettlestrings baby died " 23 I went to Chicago awful hot day bought little bureau to put book case on 24th thought we were going to have a big rain and cleaned Martha's cistern but the showers all went around we had no rain here the hottest weather we every knew Thermometer 120 in Sun 105 in Shade 30 slight rain but not enough to do any good all went to St Georges Pic nic at Nelson Park 31 Cool pleasant weather Aug 1st Sam and Corbett worked on Kenedys house Aug 4 Martha Rena and I went to Leyden had dinner at Uncle Wms called a Mr Willey 8 Ada and Etta went to Chicago and Sister Dunphy and Philecta came out here and stayed over Sunday Mr Huett taken crazy so there was no services in Unity Church 11th Awful hot today Martha and Will stayed here all night wind blew very hard with fearful lightning and thunder 13th quite a cool comfortable day Will went to Niles to Calidonia Pic nic Sam and Etta went to ball to unclear 11 Tryster brought hay 15 Mrs Hickok Emma and Flo came out to make us a visit before going on their farm