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cartoon image of a man at a lectern who is igniting a bomb while speaking in pencil Mangione, Jerre From Life Sentences for Everybody underlined 1966


As a youngster he got a big bang setting his little brother on fire, as a grownup he got his kicks being a pyromaniac by night and a fire insurance salesman by day; later, when he became ambitious to set the world on fire, he got himself elected to a seat in Congress, and now he preaches the gospel of atomic warfare. -Jerre Mangione


written letter beside cartoon

                                                                                                                                      The Virginian Center
                                                                                                                                       for the Arts
         Feb. 16, 1982                                                                                                       Sweet Briar, Va.
Dear Jack: I apologize for

the stationery. It is not suitable to expressing my sorrow - and Patricia's - over the new of Gladys' death. We had not know about it until last week when I had a letter from the professor who is writing a biography of you. Must be a terrible blow. One way to ease it, I would hope, is to keen on writing, and Wixson says that you are doing that.

 The good news in his letters is

that there is now a new edition of The Disinheritedunderlined with an introduction by you. I'd love to see it. What do you say we swap! My first book , Mount Allegrounderlined, for yours? Instead of an introduction I wrote a new chapter, "Finale" for the edition published last year by Columbia University Press, its fifth publisher in 40 years. I see that Laurence Hill is still your publisher, and that is good - better than having had to cope with five different publishers (of which L. Hill was one).

 Patricia and I have been here at

the Virginia Center of the Arts (the Yaddo of the South) for nearly five weeks, and