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                           recherche le bénéfice des conseils de son labeur meaccent cicumflex above the eme. Voilà
                           pourquoi et comment il se défie d'oublier que l'oeuvre étant
in pencil9     soumise aux yeux cruels et doux de la lumière, doit conditionner
                          sa plastique en raison d'un accord tacite de sa masse rythmée
                          et de l'atomosphère lumineuse qui, agissant sur elle, doit las
                          révéler en toute sa fleur et sa puissance.
                                                                          Floquet ("7 Arts" 1927).
                                               Comme tous les artistes vértiablement originaux possèdent
                                    des natures qui par quelque coaccent cicumflex above the oté sont toujours primitives,
in pencil 10            Zadkine doit eaccent cicumflex above the etre naturellement apparenté aux plus anciens ar-
                                    tistes de toutes les régions terrestres, et ce non pas par al-
                                    liance comme la critique voudrait le donner à entendre, mais
                                    bien par les plus authentiques liens du sang.
                                                                                                   Maurice RAYNAL
                                                        Les sujets meaccent cicumflex above the emes de Zadkine sont des plus simples, mais
                                       des plus essentiels aussi de la vie et du monde, Sans rien de
 in pencil 11              recherche, de bizarre, d'artificiellement délicat ou subtil...
                                       Son art enfin qui m'est ni ornemental, ni anecdotique, mais
                                       expressif, se révèle dramatique et religieux comme celui de toutes
                                       les périodes que ne leurrèrent pas de fausses images.
                                                                           in pencil--                   Andre de Ridder

in pencil_______________________________________________________________________________

                                                        For Zadkine, form and the search for new formal rythms,
                                          are not ends in themselves.  He seems to suggest indeed that form
                                           itself is an illusion created by the play of light upon on
  in pencil 12                object.  He is content to sacrifice an eternal truth of form
                                           to capture and record his impression of his  subject in light
                                           as some particular moment of time.
                                                                                       "The critic" 1928.

in pencil English translations above each line of the 3 texts in French

                         shows the benefits of the results of his own labor.
                         That is how and why it must not be forgotten that the work being 
                         subject to cruel eyes and gently to the light, must conform
                         its shape so as it make a tacit harmony between its
                         rhythmic mass & of the luminous atmosphere which playing upon
                         it, must reveal it in all its beauty and strength.
                               Like all artists truly original possessing
                          Natures which on one side are always primitive
                         Zadkine must be naturally related to the most
                         ancient artists of all the terrestrial regions, and it
                         is not by alliance as the critic stroked out criticism would give
                         you to believe, but by the most authentic blood ties.
                               Even the subject of Zadkine are the simple,
                       but the most essential, also to life and the world. Without
                       anything affected, bizarre, artificially delicate or subtle..
                       His art which is neither ornamental nor anecdotal,
                       but expressive, reveals the dramatic and religious as
                       that of all the periods which false images could
                       not lure.