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page 2

 After Hemingway heard what Klein had been saying he knocked Herb Klein flat on his back the next time

that Hem met Herb (in a bar, probably). The next day or the next time Hemingway saw Klein, Hem apologized to Herb. and then Herb Klein went all over Madrid in red: again telling everybody that Hem had apologized Then - crossed out in red in red: So, after Hemingway heard about this changed to that with red ink - well then the next time Hem met Herb, Hemingway knocked Klein flat on his ass crossed out: againin red:for the last time and this in red: time Hemingway did triple underline in red: not apologize. What I'm getting at is this (I have more stories about Herb Klein of underline the Left, /underline): Is there anybody left alive (apart from me) who knows the story of the magazine & the people who were connected with it? If so, do you know how I might get in touch with them ? I must correct myself - my saying Marvin Klein was Herbert Klein, I did not read far enough on page 301 of underlined: The Little Magazine, Marvin was not Herbert. Is Marvin Klein alive? Next page