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in pencil [1974] image of [Richard Nixon] Watergateland, U.S.A. Would You Buy A Used Country From This Man? NO MORE LIES!


Dear Jack -

 Thanks for introducing us to Bob & Mary Redding & children - Sylva & I were becoming

bored with the great climate & poor intellectual atmosphere in may [many?] parts of SO. CAL - They are fine people -

 Did you see the Latest Book re John Dos PASSOS? edited by Townsend Ludington - "14th Chronicle

a Fine Excerpt is in "Intellectual DIGEST" DEC. 1973 - Interesting photos EDMUND WILSON - SACCO-VANZETTI rally 1927, E.E. Cummings - Hemingway, Malcolm Cowley, Sherwood Anderson, John Howard Lawson - letters to Upton SINCLAIR, F. Scott Fitzgerald; - see INTELLECTUAL DIGEST - Dec. 1973

 I HAVE the issue of the North County ANVIL in which your fine article appears -
 Reddings & FRIEDMANS are cooking up a plot to bring you here for a talk