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-3- I return to Kris Hotvedt with the bigger envelop devoted to her. She obviously is an artist of real ability. I liked her drawings in The New Mexico Review and you were wonderfully generous to send the proof of her "Return of the Spirit" which she sent you for your birthday. If she could tell you what the cost would be of xeroxing the two issues of Public Welfare in New Mexico I could send her the money so that she could have the xeroxes done there and then sent on to your for Yale. You could then make any comments you wanted to in the margin. She certainly ought not to pay for this nor ought you. It can be one of my little tokens of appreciation for all your generosity. Certainly these two issues ought to be part of your archives. Many thanks for sending me the T.P.J. Sampler. Rose Graubart had already sent me one, and I think one to you also, but I can add this to the others. I did like David Ignatow's poem in it as you did. Thanks too for the issue of the Pembroke Magazine. Actually, you know, you can send these as 4th class mail even if you put annotation on it. Similarly for the copy of Steven Mooney's book The Grave of the Dwarf. I guess my centuries of New England background make me over-thrifty in terms of the mail. But I hate to see you pay 80 cents for sending on to me what Rose send to you for 12 cents. I notice that the book is dedicated to the two Ignatows. When I opened the last of the large envelopes that have accumulated I see that it does come from Kris herself in which she tells me roughly what it would cost to make the xerox copies of the two issues. I will send her the amount. She also sent xerox copies of the letters of which we have carbon copies form you and I will see that she gets reimbursed for that. Her letter was really an exceptionally nice one and I am delighted to have it. She uses bobby pins for paperclips and the result is attractively feminine.