letterhead and footnote 250 COMFORTABLE ROOMS - WONDERFUL BEDS - MODERATELY PRICED DINING ROOM and COFFEE SHOP HOTEL LaSalle SOUTH BEND, INDIANA LEONARD MENNUCCI PRESIDENT AND MANAGER File:8-story hotel building; shield with La Salle in banner Air Conditioned Banquet Facilities
Expect to do a little nite clubbing - There is a modest hotel and a little cutting with "My Favorite Blonde." Been busy as hell in Wabash Ind. In fact - I bought a house there and have settled there. We will leave here on the 9 30 train (So. S.) and go to the Randolph St. station. Arriving around 11 45 Will you contact Finch Fallon Algren et al and tell them I'd like to while a way a couple of hours with them digging up old times If you are not working Sat - meet me and we'll toss off a few. Write me ℅ this hotel no later that Tursday.