4575 Newport San Diego, California April 16, 1963
Dear Mr. Conroy, I hasten to acknowledge the copy of The Disinherited with the kind inscription by the author. I found it awaiting me when I returned yesterday after spending a week in Sequoia National Park. Though of course I have not yet had time to read the volume, I want at once to express my appreciation at being remembered. It must be a great satisfaction to you to see your books in print again. I congratulate you and wish you further success. Perhaps I should express some envy. The Duke Press is not without hope that ___ may some day appear as a paper back, though I myself am not betting any money on that possibility. The best of luck to you. Sincerely Hubert H. Hoeltje
I was lucky during the Great Depression. I was never fired or without a job. The worst that happened to me was that my salary was cut 20% when I hoped it might go up with the acquisition of a Ph.D!