at his word the spirits go into them, and they go headlong into the sea. There was not much influence of mind on mink in this . But in this variety of wonder awaking, not only meets all obligation but proved himself master over nature. And if he can conquer death in one department of nature, why not in another. If by a miracle he can save others by his own power, why not himself in res? Again his miracles were restorative in their nature and object and consequently point to his own restoration from death. He came not to destroy but to restore. He said I am come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abundantly. His miracles were not exceptions to this rule; Every one involved the idea of Completeness, hence he says to the diseased "Be whole." So he speaks to the lame, the blind, the fevered and the leprous. Are there five hundred to be fed, he supplies them with bread to Save life. Does Lazarus die he speaks him back to life, Thus The whole