The feathers tied directly to the tuft of hairs on the crown were not painted. They must be such as were taken from the right wing of an eagle, a raven, a large or small mountain hawk, a sparrow hawk, a long tailed hawk, or a large chicken hawk. But those from the right wing of the eagle, or large mountain hawk, were most highly esteemed. The feathers to be dyed red, & tied to the ends of the large tail feathers of the eagle & large mountain hawk. These were three or four inches long (it is said.) These feathers were not exposed to public view, but when the priest received them from the hand of the messenger, he took them immediately to a thicket, or some unfrequented place, where he tied them in bunches & hung them on the boughs. The next morning, ^before eating he went in search of materials for colouring. There, in the first instance, were leaves, or, if not a time of leaves, the bark of the root, of a low shrub, called Ta lo ny. Not the common Talony used for smoking, but another species, more rare, and growing on high mountains.