2 unclear words death to the vermin was decreed & off went his head - Stevensons on Pringle's ck Saturday 8th ? some perrhaps better little more southerly some 7 miles cut the Presidio river Pringles Ck runs into Leora - two ? tracks but grass growing over it - fine country pretty open - no water. 3 Miles Musquit & good pastures open country to Esperaza - (Solo ?) Pringles Ck - 6 more of same country to Los Olmos (Camp Cupples) Water at present in holes but pastures good
For the first time since we have been travelling - few showers of rain. On the W side of Olmos Ck run a range of hills (Grieves hills), about here they form many ridges, commencing at the head of ck & terminating in the forks of al & Mi Frio. Wherever there is a River or creek, there is a ?