have been killed - but hot pursuit is making after them - Two Mexican Spys were being [?] [?] - 5 PM returned on P. it is ½ a hours sail from Lamar to Love Oak Pt. Mr. Kinney came up from C. Christi with Peck the Portuguese 8 PM Mr mcKinney & Jones came by Lamar from the interior - Clark Owens men - returning to their homes for awhile. Johnson the new General 0rganizing the President doesnot appear to be in a hurry to commence quarters - [?believe?] it time enough when the Invading Army really invades - This has been & this is I take general excitement - but the Lamar party (the outs) and the discontents of no party having nothing to do - and to be on the move & had force enough would act [?] long on the pass the [?] hand without the President [?] - In terms of popular excitement & who the [?] be the first [?] over & moreover that it wants to fight impolite to let the people Some other way - The [? E. Est.g a?] Republic is in no [?] situation But they get used to it - I took the [?] Sunday 27th mcKenney & Jones & Kerny went to Corpus Christi - Occasionally on [?] - que Cada und repose St Dios para todos - pere sole ira bien tosta sen ciento fronto - dined with Mrs [?] This behind that a Mexican [?] is about the attempted so enough so that all these families who can get off to the coast or to Galveston are upon the slope - All this is bad for the [?] and retards membership operations - [the rest of the line is unclear] Monday 28th
Genl Santana of when out - the Margaret Wood is not first rate for Steam & with a somewhat heavy swell did not make much head way - 5 PM came to anchor off St. Louis -very few inhabitants