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I would like very much to be in Cinta on the 9th inst, the celebration will no doubt be a grand one, but as my business has called me a different direction, I shall not have the pleasure of waiting upon you on the occasion, although I hope you will be able to go and enjoy yourself. Your letters are full of anxiety, and strong appeals for my return home, I have not room to give answer to all your items, they contain so much matter of interest and importance to me, that I peruse and reperuse and am led to wonder how I can remain so long from the dear one whose affections is entirely placed upon me, it is my greatest fear in your present situation that you will concern yourself too much about me, this as well as unclear other unclear I hope you will have fortitude unclear if possible. You mentioned as unclear oysters. I hope those I sent you in Jar, will come to hand in good order. I will sent the next in the shell. The guard chain which you sent me is very pretty, and very acceptable, I was thinking on the trip up about writing you to make one, and on opening your last letter to my astonishment found it beautifully coiled up. I cannot state when I will be able to come home, but as you are ready to take a trip, it will be a great inducement for me to take the "Goddess" to Cina, you may rely on seeing me as soon as business will admit. If you feel able I should be pleased to hear you write on rect. of this & dint to Cairo X a few days after write & dint to St. Louis if we return here it will be about the 25. to 28. inst.