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slowly coming together - very difficult

in this hour of darkness, last Judgment & rejection to himself? , but ye Preaching of his own head, ye differying of his works, th ye Ruen of his Kingdom! this and nothing else, no greater advantage but will be ques ye a=ev heny -

no sooner did ye Chh church of ye N.T. begun to rise on this foundation land in Zease [season?] run by means of Satan ye whole world of unbelieving Jews and gentiles at themselves in corruption to it; and by even name and Rage, as will as are nst bound self out? to destroy it - to drive? it off from its foundation and cut ye bouth?. More or less Affont? efforts? up well? in this tng to prevent ..lings ye Chh have been n ..ble in all succeding ages and ye same Ragentinable yet unalling is in its subjects and Principles, and usr uts only evouhsly and bdventu e to creost sumble in us bloody h ss of Dev. frentan as ever. The Chh's destany lays open many of ye Anduoons and liff ols

  gates of hell, wash of ye myity and

bloody Rage of this old onandever and devouring Zion, nlyposshan to it, with rust Ravens and men iens of its Blood, wh he hath shed in past ages for its destruction; but ye lest lny well wane fully aislost the ouna. Under Rome chrestian and under Rome entishashen?, as well as under other Powers, intruysted by Satan and art an me of hell.?