92 have been a great weaking to the worke of God among them, The most of those indians [continued] at this place all thee summer (some few exepted) that scattered to places adjacent to worke for the english in harvest time, But toward october they remouved some to that falls of charles river & some setled about [Hoanantum], Hill, not farr from [mr] oliver neare the very place where they first began to pray to God, & mr Eliot first [began] [...] them, which was about 30 yeares since, here Anthony one of the teachers built a large wigwam, at [which] place the lecture & the scoole were kept in the winter 1676 where major [Gookin] & mr Eliot ordinarily met every fortnight & the other [weke] Among the [pakemill] Indians who were also brought from the Iland in milton under the care of quarter master Thomas swift, This [fall] summer [though] the came up late from[...] Iland the they planted som ground procured for [hem] by the major among [ed] English & so the got som [litel] corne & more for worke & that their soulders that were abroad had corne [prevailed] By the country for their Relations so that through God [tand] they were [...] well suplied And in the winter time about December then was aboundance of a sort of fire called frost fire which they tooke [with] [...] & dryed great plenty of them; the widdowes & the aged had suply of clothing & corne at the Chardge of the honorable corporation in London [was] tenderly & compassionatly: ordered Release for [...] as were in Need. and many of the men who were about hom, got plenty of venison in the winter 1776 for suply of their family so if God provided for their [own] toward subsitance & for Religion I hope it begins to [verie] among them there were [sevven] places where they mett