San Francisco. Cala. May 24. 1868. Dear General. The tables of distances that I send you by this mail, are compiled from the best information to be obtained, but of course they are only approximately correct. I have asked Capt. White to verify them. General Malleck? intended leaving here on last Victina? Steamer? for Sitku?, but could not get a satisfactory answer as to unclear from the only boat without time available from Victina? outbound?. We may start sometime next month. Mr. unclear unclear starts from Vancouver on 1st?. Maximo? for Venary?. unclear goes in Steamer to Port Cramble?, Puget Sound, and then on Banque? "Torrens". unclear G, sailed from here on 2nd unclear, in unclear "Atlanta", for unclear. [[unclear[[, who went with them, may return via Sitku?. We have heard of the establishment of Fort Tongues? and Wrangell. Fry is still suffering from an affection of the eyes, and is not doing much duty. Some affection of the optic? nerve I believe. He is getting better however.