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34 had behind them except some small matter they carried upon their backs upon this information the court toke the matter into more deliberate consideration & sent back mr Cook with order to return all the women & children & old men? backe to their place, & to bring downe only the able men. this order was put in execution accordingly. And for the praying Indians belonging to punkapog which were by order brought downe to Dorchester from their forte & towne by Capt Bratle & his troops The court (after they had spoke withe william Ahaton & others of their principall men) rec such satisfaction from them , that they were all returned backe to their habitations exept 3 or 4 men that were suspected ; But the wamesit men: about 33 were broughte downe to charles towne & served in the towne house severall days until the court had leasure to examine them & afterward the most of them were returned home againe ; word crossed out Some persons suspected ^being garbled from the rest

upon the 26th of october new clamors & reports were raised & fomented against the Christian Indians of Natick? upon pretense that some of them had fired a House and? old barne, at Dedham. ( a poor old house not worth 10 symbol for shillings that stood alone fare distant from the dwelling houses), this House (in all probability) was set on fire a purpose by some unclear were back frends to those poore indians ; thereby to take an ocasion to procure the removall of all those indians, from Natick; The contrivers weorof? well knew that the magistrate? generally were very slow to  unclear those poore christians?.  this artifire? was therfore unclear to provoke unclear, God ( who knows all) will I hope on day awaken & convince the unclear of those persons that have beene industriously active to tradute? & affect those poore inocent christians , without cause? for as to the Gody of them: they were allways? true & faithefull to the English: & I never saw or herd any substaniall unclear to the contrary. Besides this of Burning the house there were other false information presented at the same time to the Genorall court to stirr them up to asharpe? proceedure against those indians But the authors of those unclear