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to address my enquiries to.

I'm engaged in research on the development of class consciousness among workers in Britain at the beginning of the 20th C. In Britain too, as you well know, many workers learned their socialism from Kerr books. I was wondering if there is a complete listing of Kerr books and pamphlets and if the company still has any records of printing runs of the works they published? -- and in particular any records on which books were distributed in Britain and how many copies they sold.

Also is there a list of the subscribers to the Kerr [?Coop.? ] from Britain? I have a copy of the 1913 Kerr edition of Arthur Lewis' "An introduction to Sociology" and at the back of that is "list of advance subscribers" but they all seem to be U. S. subscribers. Is there also a list of UK subscribers surviving somewhere?

I'm also obviously interested in the general