incouragement & Good hope through grase that as God hath wraught effectually upon some So he will upon others in his owne time & unclear to his good unclear that hee hath purposed in unclear unclear I [[account?]l is my duty, not to censure? & Judge but to pray for them & others. A Goal hee Latter-End of august 1676 An Army was sent against the unclear unclear unclear inform capt Huntry & his company of indians wsnt: but they away? litle? against unclear enemy but unclear was don was don by or? Indians, who slow 2 or 3 of unclear enimy? before none of them? through Gods unclear. Against in? unclear 5th & 6th m another Expedition to the English? part, Comaned by unclear B waldren unclear our praying Indians under Capt Huntry Bore a part,; & som few of unclear